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The TRUTH About Why You Need Data Management (with Scott Taylor)

Data Ideas

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Episode  ·  48:15  ·  Mar 31, 2023


In this episode, I talk with Scott Taylor, Author of "Telling Your Data Story" and The Data Whisperer / Principal Consultant at MetaMeta Consulting.  In this insightful, humorous and example-filled discussion, we talk all things data management, including: --What data management is --Why its critical, especially for organizations under pressure to put data & analytics programs in place --Why most organization's don't have a successful data management strategy --What it looks like when successful data management IS in place --How to start to "Tell Your Data Story" so you can get the investment needed to build a great data management strategy! Links referenced during the episode: GET SCOTT'S BOOK : Telling Your Data Story - Data Storytelling for Data Management 20% off with code: DATAWHISPERER https://technicspub.com/data-storytelling/ Please Follow Scott on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmztaylor Too Much Tech Talk? (A Puppet Service Announcement) https://youtu.be/_JQ3HriEK0E

48m 15s  ·  Mar 31, 2023

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