On this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Jessica explores the Vril with Dr. Dennis Caroll, from secret societies and an ancient subterranean civilization to aliens and alien technology, UFOs, magic, and more! The Vril-ya are an ancient race of beings who lived underground, supposedly had telepathic powers, highly advanced technology, and were able to do incredible amounts of damage simply by using a Vril wand. The superior, ancient race that had control of Vril were said to run out of spaces to inhabit underground, and that would eventually move up to the surface world. Vril is the power believed to be from an alien source that secret societies sought to harness, most notably, the Nazi Germans.Follow Dennis:https://www.denniswcarroll.com https://www.youtube.com/@huntingtheshadows Follow Jessica:https://thecryptidhuntress.com https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCryptidHuntress https://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntress https://www.facebook.com/TheCryptidHuntress https://www.instagram.com/thecryptidhuntress/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/WarWomanGoods
1h 23m 1s · Aug 21, 2024
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