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The WORK FROM HOME Reset: Office Work and the Looming Real Estate Crisis

Cities After… with Miguel Robles-Duran

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Episode  ·  41:09  ·  Jul 5, 2023


[S3.5E01] The WORK FROM HOME Reset: Office Work and the Looming Real Estate CrisisStay connected with the latest news from Politics in Motion. Join our mailing list today: https://www.politicsinmotion.orgCities After… with Prof. Miguel Robles-Durán. A radical exploration into the capitalist contradictions of our urban world, and the many anti-capitalist futures to come.In this first episode with Politics In Motion, Prof. Robles-Durán attempts a retake/update to a previous podcast series he did last year, titled Office Spaces as Homes; This new broadcast is a response to new doom predictions of a collapse of the commercial real-estate bubble and about the active reluctance of many employees to go back to the office.In the wake of the pandemic, one mode of labor exploitation has gained a remarkable worldwide popularity: Work From Home. In heavily urbanized and service-oriented regions, this prevailing trend has been inciting rampant anxiety among the ranks of municipal officials, urban economists, and the real-estate industry alike. Indeed, as vacancy rates continue to soar beyond the 90th percentile in some regions. In an absurd contradiction to all the vacant spaces, the plight of the homeless has reached dire proportions, leaving a dire need for truly affordable housing. In this compelling episode, Prof. Robles-Durán plunges into the depths of the capitalist undercurrents and some social counter-currents behind this crisis, delving into the ominous consequences and complex future outcome.Prof. Miguel Robles-Duran’s Cities After… is co-produced by Politics in Motion. Politics In Motion is a nonprofit organization founded in May 2023 by Prof. David Harvey and Prof. Miguel Robles-Durán, along with Dr. Chris Caruso, instructional technologist, and noted writer and art curator Laura Raicovich. Our anti-capitalist media platform offers piercing insights and thought-provoking analyses on political, social, spatial, cultural, environmental and economic issues through a range of engaging mediums, including YouTube streams, podcasts, and live events.__________________________________________________________________________Miguel Robles-Durán is an urbanist and Marxist urban theorist working at the intersections of urban political-ecology, unitary urbanism, and the design of social and environmentally just urban processes. He is a tenured Associate Professor of Urbanism at The New School / Parsons School of Design in New York City. Robles-Durán is founding partner and co-director of Urban Front, a transnational consultancy for urban justice. He is also a founding board member of The Shape of Cities to Come Institute, a New York City based co-learning and strategizing platform for urban activism. Robles-Durán's work with the New York City and Rotterdam-based design cooperative Cohabitation Strategies (CohStra) has been influential to the contemporary development of socially-engaged forms of urban practice.__________________________________________________________________________Follow Politics in Motion:Website: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&#38;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3JSR0RVd3dLeGFnZDl1d1pWc2NBS3hOM0J6QXxBQ3Jtc0tsdjc2SlBBeU5jYzlDM3kyd01hOF9DdE41RzhmeXNWWWMyVExFOUhDTW1wU21WS1lsblFDVGxOSUFoREw3SDFDODZBWkdjMnB3LXQwZFNDYU9HNmpVUm45NHZVa2o3dzktSDhoWVVjaHR1dElLOWdhcw&#38;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.politicsinmotion.org%2F&#38;v=fS5pDb_wmsg" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

41m 9s  ·  Jul 5, 2023

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