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Theory of Mind and Relational Blind spots with Dr. Sean Hirt

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

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Episode  ·  55:52  ·  Nov 7, 2022


Dr. Sean Hirt earned his master’s and Doctoral degrees in clinical psychology fromGeorgia School of Professional Psychology. He completed his pre-doctoral internship atCasa Pacifica Center for Children and Families in Camarillo, CA. He completed post-doctoral training at West Georgia Psychological Services in Douglasville, GA. Over theyears, he has practiced in a variety of clinical settings, including residential treatmentcenters, school settings, and private practice. His areas of specialties include assistingpeople in addressing the following: anxiety, depression, autism spectrum disorder,overly dependent adult children, low self-esteem, behavioral and life transition issues,substance abuse, and trauma-related disorders. Dr. Hirt went on to establish his ownpsychotherapy private practice, Hirt Psychology, in 2019. There, his focus is on workingwith individuals, families, and couples to address mental health issues. In addition totherapy, he also provides diagnostic and treatment consultations to assist people infinding the appropriate treatment track and interventions. A big part of his work is at HirtPsychology includes working with individuals on the autism spectrum to help themreach personal life goals related to work, relationships, emotion regulation, school, andoverall well-being. In therapy, Dr. Hirt uses empirically driven modalities to addressclients’ needs. He works closely with all clients to develop an integrative yet client-centered approach to treatment in order to achieve satisfaction and successfultreatment outcomes. His practice provides individual, family, and couples therapy forchildren, teens, and adults and facilitates therapeutic groups. Recent groups haveincluded ‘Dating on the Spectrum’ and ‘Wise Minds- a DBT Group for DistressTolerance’.Dr. Hirt is active in the mental health community in Atlanta and across Georgia. He hasdedicated time to a variety of causes in conjunction with the Atlanta Autism Consortium,Georgia Psychological Association, and American Psychological Association. He givespresentations and talks on a variety of mental health topics, including neurodivergence.https://www.hirtpsychology.com/

55m 52s  ·  Nov 7, 2022

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