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Tilopa’s Ganges Mahāmudrā Ep 4 (ENGLISH) Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche


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Episode  ·  3:12:03  ·  Nov 17, 2020


In the afternoon session on The Ganges Mahāmudrā (Mahāmudrā Upadeśa),  HE Kyabje Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche continued his teaching by  discussing conduct. In the morning session, he discussed the view and  meditation on non-arising and non-fixation. Conduct is what manifests  naturally from that view and meditation. Rinpoche said that “to manifest  non-arising we need to follow the stages of the path to realize that.” One of the first points Rinpoche discussed was the importance of not  being attached to your own views, and disparaging the views of others.  This kind of thinking leads to judging and fixation, which is directly  at odds with cultivating a liberated mind and manifesting liberated  activity. Eliminating attachment to your own views and eliminating  rejection of other views makes you a yogi, he said. Related to this point, Rinpoche spoke about how to relate to  thoughts. Specifically, Rinpoche taught that if we think of thoughts as a  problem and emptiness as a quality, there is no way we can be  liberated. This is again a type of judgement and not the correct  understanding of emptiness. “In suchness, there is no judgement,”  Rinpoche said. In order to understand this point, Rinpoche said you have  to have certainty in emptiness. This certainty arises from inside, from  meditation, and cannot come from outside. He emphasized that you cannot  be liberated from just words. To manifest certainty about emptiness,  you have to meditate without judgment or fixation. Furthermore, he said,  “let ideas of meditator and not-meditator liberate on their own.”

3h 12m 3s  ·  Nov 17, 2020

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