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TJ Morris ET Radio Super Conscious

TJ Morris ACO ACIR Radio

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Episode  ·  2:20:27  ·  Apr 18, 2021


Ralph Kennedy Johnston Sr. Solar System Ambassador for ACIR - and Theresa J Morris Cosmos Ambassador for ACIR will share a conversation about how to proceed in the GREAT YEAR! We share Public Relations for the Ascension Center Organization - ACE Folklife Society. We have agreed to form a MEET UP Group for our Authors Club Online. ACO Association International began when we shared the Stargate to the Cosmos with others including Ralph Rodehag who was International Honorary Professional Pilots Association in the Euroopean Theater. We shared Organizational Administrative Events Veterans ACIR Associates with Robert O. Dean, and his friends from the former UFO Events he attended with Island Pilot Bob- Smith an Organizer with others.- TJ was asked by J.Allen Hynek himself aboard a jet in 1985-86 to assist him to keep the Esprit de Corps alive for the UFO Association, CUFOS as he awaited funds. TJ was to meet up with a new office staff in Colorado and he was in the process of moving his files from Chicago, Illinois to Colorado. Jan Aldrich of Project 1947 has been working non-stop with Barry Greenwood as scanners for much of the many file cabinets and boxes of files - We would like to assist wsith Fortean, Esoterics, Metaphysics, Cosmology, Ascension, and Ascension Church Ohana  - Church, Literary, Education. We will begin Science FIction Writers bawsed on true stories and hope to support writers, and speakers while we share Public Relations for the many universes, as well as, ancient history and new thought teachings. We are both Universal Live Ministers of Modesto, California. We will attempt to share our humble opinions as the "OLD GUYS" and "Fill In The Blanks" for peopleconcentrating on sharing history for our younger ACO CLUB MEMBERS. Authors Club Organization and ACE Folklife Archives was always the intention to work with National Archives and assisting in saving expense to the government,.    

2h 20m 27s  ·  Apr 18, 2021

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