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Todd Segal Psychic Live on horizon talk radio

Horizon Talk Radio Network UK

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Episode  ·  1:35:11  ·  Nov 14, 2021


https://toddsegalpsychic.com About ToddTodd started doing psychic fairs and personal readings in 2001. He worked on his first murder case in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 2007, and from there, started working on missing people and missing animal cases in the New England area. He also went on location to investigate haunted houses. In 2014, Todd was featured on The Best Psychic Directory, a website for psychics and mediums created by author and TV detective Bob Olson. Todd soon became one of the most sought after pet rescuers listed on many missing pet organization pages, and is used by k-9 trackers. In 2017, he moved to Virginia, where he does live readings for the public. Todd is used by police agencies and by search and rescuers around the country, and continues to give readings from his home on a daily basis.

1h 35m 11s  ·  Nov 14, 2021

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