Digesting pain is a process that involves not only the physical aspects of our bodies - but also the spiritual, emotional and mental realms of our being. It requires acknowledging and validating our feelings in a way that allows us to transform pain into resilience. In this powerful episode of Liberating Generations, Dr. Keesha and Regan Claire explore the process of transcending and digesting pain. Join them as they discuss how YOUR pain impacts not only you but also those around you - and discover some incredibly useful practices that will help effectively draw in pain and release compassion. Tune in to hear more about: [00:20] - Dr. Keesha’s recent encounter with pain[03:08] - A story of moving outside of pain[08:22] - Regan Claire talks about the power of breathing[16:26] - Understanding your default response to life[23:42] - The four immeasurables prayer[26:26] - Closing thoughts Connect with Dr. Keesha Ewers - Website: www.drkeesha.com | Instagram: @dr_keesha_ewers | Facebook: Keesha Ewers | TikTok: @liberating_generations Connect with Regan Claire - Website: www.tasteofliberation.com | Instagram: @tasteofliberation
33m 18s · Nov 9, 2023
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