Truth Talk with Steve

Truth Talk with Steve



Season 4 Episodes
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This podcast was Created To Provide You A Place Where You Can Come and hear Truth that most people are still not wanting to face and not willing to do the research to realize these aren't just conspiracy theories that the MSM wants you to believe they are. We talk about the Bio-Weapon, a Fake puppet in the office of the bankrupt USA Corporation, Covid-19, The Jab, Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the fact that we've been enslaved by a Khazarian mafia cabal for centuries. We expose the truth behind the Federal Reserve that's about as Federal as Federal Express and the Central Western bank's collection agency we call the IRS. Neither of these Corporations are United States Government agencies. The Truths we've been taught growing up are nothing more than fiction that was created so we'd be the slaves to the 13 Bloodlines who worship Baal.

4 Seasons

© 2022 Libsyn