Season 1 EpisodesNewest
This podcast discourse of Uddhava Gita or Hamsa Gita[The Last Message of Lord Shri Krishna] is by our Spiritual Master KrsnaKnows/KrsnaGuruji. Shri Krishna gives in this text His parting instructions to His beloved devotee and follower, Uddhava, shortly before His departure from this world. These teachings, which are in every way as important as those of the Bhagavad Gita, form the main part of the eleventh book of the great Hindu scripture, the Srimad Bhagavatam. Various instructions are given, but in and through all, the necessity of seeing the Lord in everything, plus living a life of perfect self-surrender and non-attachment, are continuously emphasised. In the end Shri Krishna saya, ‘I have just explained to you, in a concise as well as an analytic way, the essence of the philosophy of Brahman, which is unintelligible even to the gods.’ Shri Ramakrishna always kept a copy of Bhagavatam in his room. He used to say, ‘It is fried in the butter of knowledge and soaked in the syrup
1 Season
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