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Understanding Energetic Root Causes behind Health Issues, Life Struggles, & Stagnant Business Revenue with Lore Goldstein

Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein

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Episode  ·  54:28  ·  Feb 9, 2022


When experiencing chronic illness or unexplained pain, anxiety, relationship difficulties, or even a stagnant income in business or a career, the typical approach is to start throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if anything sticks and solves the problem. The tendency is to look to the surface of a particular struggle: how you can eat better, how you can meditate more, how to improve your communication skills, how to stop attracting the wrong kind of partner, how you can get a promotion or better job, or how you can change your marketing funnel to attract more prospects. What tends to be hidden from us, and thus overlooked, is the underlying stuck energy and emotions that are perpetuating negative patterns. So for example, if you are holding on to deep resentment over something, even if what happened is in your past and you think it shouldn t be impacting you now, it could very well be tied to a physical health diagnosis that looks unrelated on the surface. Come join us for a conversation around understanding the emotional and energetic root causes of your struggles can help you solve the problem in a much quicker fashion than many conventional solutions.!Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

54m 28s  ·  Feb 9, 2022

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