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Using a Skills Framework to Empower Employees: Microsoft’s Shweta Srivastava and John Mighell

Workplace Stories by RedThread Research

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Episode  ·  52:55  ·  May 29, 2024


The mission of Microsoft is to empower every person in every organization to achieve more. An enterprise-wide skills focus is one way they’re fulfilling their mission.It’s about moving beyond job titles and fixed roles to give freedom and flexibility to apply skills and expertise where they matter the most. And it’s all in service of creating an environment where growing one’s career is the top reason to join and stay at Microsoft.They’re using human verification to give the individual control over the data that’s included, who it’s shared with, and how it’s shared.Shweta Srivastava and John Mighell share how Microsoft is implementing skills on a large scale in this fascinating conversation.

52m 55s  ·  May 29, 2024

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