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Vicki Cantrell on the VIP Awards

This Week in Innovation

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Episode  ·  42:20  ·  Sep 15, 2023


#VIPAwards #VendorsinPartnership #vendorawards #partnership On today’s pod I catch up with Vicki Cantrell, Chief Executive Officer Vendors in Partnership LLC. The Vendors in Partnership (VIP) Awards are an industry celebration for the solution providers that power the retail ecosystem, and the new ways that partnerships were formed and challenges were overcome. They want to acknowledge service to this industry, and will recognize and celebrate a willingness to transform from within, create deep and perceptive partnerships, and great solutions. Give it a listen and let us know what you think?   Podcast Guest Vicki Cantrell Chief Executive Officer Vendors in Partnership LLC Podcast Hosts Jeff Roster Twitter https://twitter.com/JeffPR Website https://thisweekininnovation.com Brian Sathianathan Twitter  https://twitter.com/BrianVision Website https://www.iterate.ai Podcast Website https://www.podbean.com/pu/pbblog-f8asf-af2782 https://thisweekininnovation.com Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-innovation/id1562068014 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/2QDqTUnt6jebdRHbRzSTJN Google Podcasts  https://tinyurl.com/3bau5xpz Substack  https://jeffroster.substack.com YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwY8GoqzSxj45G6hOBGWOQ Listen Notes https://lnns.co/2QPSfnizE5K #thisweekininnovation, #TRI22, #5ForcesOfInnovation, #podcast, #retailpodcast, #emergingtechnologies, #Retailers, #retail,  #retailindustry, #retailtechnology, #retailtech, #futureofretail,         

42m 20s  ·  Sep 15, 2023

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