Join Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Peter Vermeulen for a discussion about happiness, well-being regulation, and dealing with stress. Peter is the founder, director, CEO, lecturer, consultant, website developer, and secretary. Occasionally, Peter even does the cleaning of the office of Autism in Context, the senior Autism lecturer and consultant for Autisme Centraal, and the Chief Editor of “Sterk in Autisme!”, a bimonthly magazine of Autisme Centraal. Autisme Centraal is responsible for autism awareness campaigns and ‘autism friendliness’ support activities throughout Europe. He is a Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en Klinische Psychologie” (Journal of Special Education, Child Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology of the University of Leuven, Belgium) (currently Chief Editor of that Journal), a reviewer for Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment.When Peter is not presenting, writing, driving or flying around for his job, he can usually be found on one of his 4 bicycles, trying to imitate Tour de France winners, hereby being oblivious to his age and physical state. When tired from cycling, he can be found at home, with his wife and their dog (which actually is more a Gremlin than a dog). Or he is playing with his grandchild. Because the Gremlin loves the beach, Peter often spends his weekends at the seaside, savouring seafood and – being a descendant of a brewing family – enjoying a good beer.www.petervermeulen.be
56m 21s · Mar 4, 2024
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