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Were Jaguar : The Rain God

Mythlok - The Home of Mythology

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Episode  ·  6:22  ·  Jun 2, 2022


The were-jaguar is a part of the Olmec mythology and is considered a deity or supernatural entity. It was initially believed that the were-jaguar was linked to a myth about a woman and a jaguar copulating. However, other theories have since emerged that claim that the were-jaguar may not actually represent a jaguar.The were-jaguar was highly regarded in pre-Columbian societies as a symbol of leadership. In addition, the ruling elite used the motifs of the were-jaguar to reinforce their authority. However, this doesn't explain the nature of the were-jaguar's design. For over half a century, scholars have been debating the were-jaguar's possible origins.According to some researchers, the depictions of were-jaguar copulation on monuments were merely the beginning of a cult or a representation of conquest in battle. Instead of depicting sexual encounters between humans and jaguars, experts sees the animals as aggressors. Most of the sculptures and reliefs in the Olmec mythology feature figures wearing loincloths, which suggests that they are not sexually explicit. According to researchers, it is not uncommon to see unclothed individuals representing dead enemies or prisoners in battle.Read the full article at https://mythlok.com/were-jaguar/

6m 22s  ·  Jun 2, 2022

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