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What Can We Expect to Change?

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  58:27  ·  Aug 1, 2022


Autism in Relationships. What can we work on change?Join Stephanie and Dan as they interview Dr. Tony Attwood and they discuss what may change and what may not in ND couples. Dr. Tony discusses meltdown and anger management, communication differences, and the importance of scheduling time together. About Professor Tony Attwood:Tony is a clinical psychologist who has specialized in Autism Spectrum Disorders since hequalified as a clinical psychologist in England in 1975. He currently works in his ownprivate practice, and is also adjunct professor at Griffith University, Queensland. His bookAsperger’s Syndrome – A Guide for Parents and Professionals has sold over 500,000 copiesand has been translated into 27 languages. His subsequent book, The Complete Guide toAsperger’s Syndrome, published in October 2006 has sold over 300,000 copies and has beentranslated into 18 languages, and is one of the primary textbooks on Asperger’s syndrome,otherwise known as Autism Spectrum Disorder – Level 1. He has several subsequent bookspublished by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Future Horizons Inc. and Guilford Press onemotion management, relationships and sexuality, and general advice for autistic children andadults.Tony has been invited to be a keynote speaker at many Australian and InternationalConferences. He presents workshops and runs training courses for parents, professionals andindividuals with Asperger's syndrome all over the world and is a prolific author of scientificpapers and books on the subject. He has presented several live webinars with his colleague,Dr Michelle Garnett, which have been recorded and can be accessed via their website atwww.attwoodandgarnettevents.com.He has worked with many thousands of individuals of all ages with many expressions ofautism.You can find out more about Dr. Tony Attwood at https://www.tonyattwood.com.au/ or look up events at https://attwoodandgarnettevents.com/.Disclaimer:When we have guests on the ASR podcast they are recognized in their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and not necessarily full agreement of all beliefs from the chosen guest(s).

58m 27s  ·  Aug 1, 2022

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