Marriage can consist of years of fighting negative thoughts that can cause you to question yourself and your marriage. Marriage can sometimes feel as if you are fighting to get the other person to simply love, understand, respect, and have compassion towards you. Marriage is something that you must fight for because, the institution of marriage is a representation of what God s love towards men and women resemble. Anything or anyone that shares Godly character will go through tests and trials. Successful and healthy marriages, where the love bond is unbreakable, have passed the tests and trials that most married couples face together. Have you ever said to yourself, I feel like I am the only person fighting for this marriage. Or I feel as if my spouse gave up on our marriage years ago. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective to fighting for your marriage and not giving up on your destiny partner.
53m 27s · Mar 9, 2022
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