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"Why is Sense of Safety Important?" with Dr. Johanna Lynch

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

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Episode  ·  57:23  ·  Jan 23, 2023


Join Dr. Stephanie Holmes and Dr. Johanna Lynch as they talk about childhood traumatic events or adverse childhood events and their effects on development. Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Johanna will talk about the need for safety, and Dr. Johanna will define safety and safe attachments. She will distinguish Domestic Violence and Domestic Silence (neglect/emotional disconnection) and talk about the negative effects on either for children or adults.While today does not talk about NT or ND, this sets the stage for other podcasts on the topic of trauma and safety.About Dr. Johanna Lynch:Dr. Johanna Lynch is a GP psychotherapist and senior lecturer with The University of Queensland's General Practice Clinical Unit. She has spent the last 15 years of her 25-year career as a GP caring for adults who are survivors of childhood trauma and neglect. This practical clinical work of being with those in our community who are often marginalized, misunderstood, and categorized with multiple mental health diagnoses has led her to search for approaches to the whole person that is applicable across disciplines. She has pioneered approaches that actively work against the fragmentation caused by trauma. She is a clinical advisor to a domestic and family violence program with Brisbane South PHN and to Blue Knot Foundation and is president of the Australian Society for Psychological Medicine, which educates, supports, and champions GPs and allied health providers who offer complex whole-person care. Her Ph.D., entitled Sense of Safety: a whole person approach to distress in primary care, sought to integrate trauma-informed care into primary care approaches to the whole person. Her clinical and academic work champions the sophisticated craft of generalism – integrating social science and biomedicine. Her work has received international acclaim from primary care researchers as a paradigm change in approaches to people in distress. It integrates lived experience and Indigenous wisdom with transdisciplinary scientific insights from trauma, attachment, social determinants of health, neurobiology, psychophysiology, and psychoneuroimmunology. This work has been published in a peer-reviewed academic book: A Whole Person Approach to Wellbeing: Building Sense of Safety (2021).Links:https://www.senseofsafety.com/https://www.drjohannalynch.com/Disclaimer:When we have guests on the ASR podcast, they are recognized for their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and are not necessarily in full agreement with all beliefs of the chosen guest(s).

57m 23s  ·  Jan 23, 2023

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