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Will Trumps Historic Deportation Plan Restore Our Borders or Redefine Executive Power GoRightNews

Go Right with Peter Boykin GoRightNews.com

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Episode  ·  30:05  ·  Nov 20, 2024


Will Trump's Historic Deportation Plan Restore Our Borders or Redefine Executive Power?https://rumble.com/v5r9qqh-will-trumps-historic-deportation-plan-restore-our-borders-or-redefine-execu.htmlhttps://gorightnews.com/will-trumps-historic-deportation-plan-restore-our-borders-or-redefine-executive-power/https://youtu.be/CfYYR9SMOooThe Trump Deportation PlanHello, America, and welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we cut through the noise to bring you the real story from a Constitutionalist perspective, upholding the principles of liberty in our Constitutional Republic. Before we dive into today's crucial topics, let's take a moment to understand the shifting sands of information dissemination. Picture this: one in five Americans now rely on influencers for their news. Yes, you heard it right. As traditional media wanes, influencers rise, with a surprising tilt towards the right at 27%, against 21% leaning left. This shift tells a story of a public seeking alternative voices, perhaps disillusioned by what they see as biased reporting. GoRight Recap/Remix:In today's episode, we've navigated the complex waters of immigration policy, media integrity, and free speech. Trump's potential use of national emergency powers for deportation raises questions about executive authority and constitutional rights. Meanwhile, media figures like Joe and Mika are playing political chess with Trump, and artists like Winston Marshall highlight the global fight for free expression.For more on these issues, keep it locked to GoRightNews.com. Dive into our in-depth articles, join the conversation on Rumble, or catch #GoRight with Peter Boykin across all major platforms. If you find value in what we do, consider supporting us via Cash App at $PeterBoykin1. Remember, we're here to uphold the truth, defend liberty, and ensure our Constitutional Republic thrives. Until next time, stay vigilant, stay informed, and always #GoRight.Today's #GoRightNews Let's #GoRight with Peter Boykin   Rumble: https://rumble.com/GoRightNews   Kick: https://kick.com/peterboykinYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PeterBoykinForAmericaTelegram: https://t.me/RealPeterBoykin  Donate: https://gorightnews.com/donations/support-gorightnews/#TrumpDeportationPlan, #SecureTheBorder, #NationalEmergency, #MilitarySupport, #BorderCrisis, #ICEEnforcement, #VoterApproval, #ConstitutionalRights, #AmericaFirst, #ConservativeValues, #GoRightwithPeterBoykin #PeterBoykin #GoRightNews#MakeAmericaHealthyAgain, #RFKJr, #HealthFreedom, #TransparencyInHealthcare, #BigPharmaWatch, #TrumpHealthAgenda, #VaccineSafety, #HealthReform, #EndTheCorruption, #GoldStandardScience, #J6Pardon, #TrumpJustice, #EqualJusticeUnderLaw, #PoliticalPrisoners, #CapitolCases, #LegalDelay, #TrumpInauguration, #PardonPower, #JusticeForJ6, #AwaitingJustice, #FloridaVsFEMA, #PoliticalDiscrimination, #DisasterReliefBias, #HurricaneVictims, #EqualAid, #FEMAControversy, #NoPoliticalAid, #JusticeForAllFloridians, #FEMAInvestigation, #TrumpSupportersRights,#GoRightNews, #GoRight, #PeterBoykin, #ConservativeVoice, #LibertyPodcast, #MakeAmericaRightAgain, #GOPPodcast, #RightWingTalk, #ConservativeTalk, #ConstitutionalTalk, #NewsForTheRight, #RightSideOfHistory, #AmericaFirstPodcast, #ConservativeCommentary, #PatriotPodcast, #FreedomOfSpeech, #RightViews, #TrumpSupportersPodcast, #ConservativeInsider, #RightSideNewsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/go-right-with-peter-boykin-gorightnews-com--3096608/support.

30m 5s  ·  Nov 20, 2024

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