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Will You ALSO Go Away?

The Connie Giordano Show

Episode   ·  0 Play

Episode  ·  23:21  ·  Jul 1, 2024


"Reader, in what state art thou? Hast thou gone back from Christ, or art thou going back? Wilt thou go? Thou, whom He has redeemed by HIs blood - thou, whom He has upheld by His power, and fed by His providence - thou, into whose wounded soul He has poured the balm of pardoning mercy - thou, whom He has adopted into the heavenly family - thou, whom He has comforted in so many tribulations and adversities - thou, whose multiplied offenses He has freely and fully pardoned; wilt thou go away?" (Adam Clarke)

23m 21s  ·  Jul 1, 2024

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