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Willing & Curious With Trish Deutsch

Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive

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Episode  ·  48:52  ·  May 31, 2024


How open to change are you? How willing and curious to new ways to heal? Listen in as we go deep on how a method that initially felt a little weird helped Trish to feel better on the inside and enjoying better relationships on the outside. And there's the matter of being adopted back by her birth mother...Trish doesn't do social media, but is open to talking with others email me simon@thrivingadoptees.com and I will put you in touch  Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

48m 52s  ·  May 31, 2024

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