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Women on the Spectrum with Toni Boucher

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

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Episode  ·  56:25  ·  Sep 19, 2022


About Toni Boucher:Toni has been working with folks on the spectrum for over 28 years. Her daughter was diagnosed with ASD at age 11. Toni's clients and people who know her well say Asperger's is the reason she "gets it".Her articles on sensory integration are referenced worldwide by families, psychologists, teachers, and therapists. She is often referred to as "The Autism Translator."Find out more athttps://www.toniboucher.net/neurodiverseDisclaimer:When we have guests on the ASR podcast they are recognized in their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and not necessarily full agreement of all beliefs from the chosen topic.

56m 25s  ·  Sep 19, 2022

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