C.H. Atma
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Geet Gaaya Patharon Ne
- Ramlal
Ab Chhalakte Huye Sagar
- Pt. Hridaynath Mangeshkar
Jahazi Lutera
- Bulo C. Rani
- Bulo C. Rani
Magic Moments C.H. Atma
- C.H. Atma
Bhai Saheb
- Ninu Mazumder
Ghazals To Remember
- Kamala Jharia, C.H. Atma
Different Strokes
- Various Artists
G M C H Atma Aye Mere Dil
- C.H. Atma
Legends - Asha Bhosle - The Enchantress - Vol 2
- Various Artists
Pare Gems C H Atma
- C.H. Atma
Bhoole Bisre Geet - Asha Bhosle
- Various Artists
Ghazals Forever
- C.H. Atma
Rere Gems C.H.Atma
- C.H. Atma