Deepak Singh
Top Songs
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Top Albums
Who Am I
- Reemboo, Taimour Baig
Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai
- Various Artists
Bhabhi Ka Pyar
- Deepak Singh
The Come Up
- Kidshot
- Ashutosh Singh
- Kidshot, Bella
Mahabharat Vijeta Ki Haar
- Deepak Singh
Nau Din Ki Navraat
- Nitesh Tiwari, Reetuza Mishra
Kukarmi Bansuriya Baba
- Deepak Singh
The Super Husband
- SUMIT PATWARI, Avik Dojan Chatterjee
Thallu Mathallu Va Imandaar Chor
- Deepak Singh
Ugi Na A Suruj Dev (Chhath Geet)
- Various Artists
Prove Them Wrong
- Bella, Abhi Kesla
Khamosh Lab Hai Jhuki Nigahe
- Deepak Singh, Kumar Satyam
Waqt Ka Ye Parinda
- Deepak Singh, Kumar Satyam
- Bella, Abhi Kesla
Itne Hum Kareeb Kaise Aa Gaye
- Deepak Singh
Dil Na Lagaiha
- Deepak Singh, Anupma Yadav
- Bella, UZIII
Ka Karbu Jaan Dur Samay Karawela
- Sonu Sargam Yadav, Shristi Bharti
Kaal Bhairav
- Narci, Bella, Zenxae
Text Me
- Yunan, Bella, Ysoblue
- Bella
Deepak Ba Ka Maal Keisa
- Deepak Raj Yadav
- Chhotu Shikari
- Bella
Bhoji Kon Treckar Bala Se Khet Jot Baelo He
- Deepak Raj Yadav, Bebi Paswan
Aashirwad Mange Pawanva
- Pawan Singh, Shivani Singh
Saya Mera
- Bella, Rohit Gaira
- Gravity, Bella, Outfly
Hyper Motion
- Bella, Refix
Pyaar Karogi ?
- Bella
Latest Releases
Dal Jan Mor Bahin Ke
- Deepak Singh
Saiya Khake Litti Chokha
- Deepak Singh
Gaya Jila Ke Randar
- Deepak Singh, Shilpi Raj
Dutala Me Pala Mar Dele Ba
- Deepak Singh, Chanda Raj