Fazlur Rahman Babu
Top Albums
- Fazlur Rahman Babu
Na Bola Valobasha
- Arfin Rumey
- Various Artists
Poran Bondhure
- Various Artists
Gheto Potro Komola
- Fazlur Rahman Babu
Daay Valo Theko Tomra
- Fazlur Rahman Babu
Ektarar Gaan
- Kona
- Fazlur Rahman Babu, Fakir Shahabuddin, Chandana Majumder
Ghetu Putro Komola
- Various Artists
Latest Releases
Neya Jamu Amar Bari
- Fazlur Rahman Babu, Jharna Helen
Dui Bhuboner Dui Basinda
- Fazlur Rahman Babu
Matir Manush Mati Hoye
- Fazlur Rahman Babu
Related Artists
- Singer
About Fazlur Rahman Babu
Listen to Fazlur Rahman Babu songs online. Download top songs of Fazlur Rahman Babu like Nithua Pathare (Version 1), Sonai Hay Hayre, Nithua Pathare (Slow Version), Bashori and Kolonki.