11Mystical forces shape the night (Saturn Mimas 205.04 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
22Scrupulous yet free (Uranus Oberon 230.72 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
33Arcane mysteries make us whole (Mars Daimos 153.82 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
44We commence anew (Uranus Titania 178.43 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
55Breathwork brings fruition (Saturn Lapetus 156.66 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
66Serene and shimmering (Schumann Resonance 250.56 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
77The Goddess plays in darkened space (Neptune Despina 145.06 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
88Spirituality woven with careful grace (Neptune Naiad 164.90 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
99Calm presence surrounds (Neptune Thalassa 155.85 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only
1010Mind-body connections soothe the soul (Jupiter Ganymede 217.11 Hz) Hare Namaste Hypnotic notions take peaceful flight (Cosmic Octave)Pro Only