Jhumki Roy
Top Albums
Bangla Adhunik Gaan (Jhumki Roy)
- Jhumki Roy
Swapnete Kon Sajna Ese
- Jhumki Roy, Arindam Ganguly
Shono Shono Mor Gaan
- Debashree Roy, Jhumki Roy
Durga Ma Elo Ghare
- Debashree Roy, Jhumki Roy
Hingsha (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Mrinal Bandopadhyay
About Jhumki Roy
Listen to Jhumki Roy songs online. Download top songs of Jhumki Roy like Tumi Je Aaro Kache, Phuleri Bahar Elo, Banzara Meye Ami, Gun Gun Fagun Elo and Ele Je Tumi Amar Jibane.