11Capuccino Louis Logan Marcus Rhythmic Reverie: Lost in the Hypnotic Echoes of the Electronic FrontierPro Only
22Acura Louis Logan Marcus Journey Through the Electric Cosmos: A Sonic Expedition into the Depths of EDMPro Only
33Breathe Louis Logan Marcus Rhythmic Reverie: Lost in the Hypnotic Echoes of the Electronic FrontierPro Only
44Creep Louis Logan Marcus Chromatic Waves: Synthesizing Harmony in the Infinite Spectrum of EDMPro Only
55Crazy Log Louis Logan Marcus Chromatic Waves: Synthesizing Harmony in the Infinite Spectrum of EDMPro Only
66Cola Louis Logan Marcus Chromatic Waves: Synthesizing Harmony in the Infinite Spectrum of EDMPro Only
77Dance Hall Louis Logan Marcus Sonic Symphony of the Technological Age: Uniting Beats and Bytes in HarmonyPro Only
88Delicious Louis Logan Marcus Sonic Symphony of the Technological Age: Uniting Beats and Bytes in HarmonyPro Only
99Cyber Love Louis Logan Marcus Sonic Symphony of the Technological Age: Uniting Beats and Bytes in HarmonyPro Only
1010Crush Louis Logan Marcus Sonic Symphony of the Technological Age: Uniting Beats and Bytes in HarmonyPro Only