Parth Sarathi
Top Albums
Shree Ganesh Jay Ganesh
- N.S. Prakash Rao, Parth Sarathi, Bhushan Dua
Shee Ganesh Jay Ganesh
- Parth Sarathi, N.S. Prakash Rao
- Parth Sarathi, N.S. Prakash Rao
Sri Ganesha Bhaktigeethalu
- N.S. Prakash Rao, Parth Sarathi, Bela Sulakhe, S.P. Balasubrahmanyam, Sunny Nair
Haratulu (Vol. 1)
- Bhushan Dua
About Parth Sarathi
Listen to Parth Sarathi songs online. Download top songs of Parth Sarathi like Mansa Eedivya Mantram, Namaste Deva Sidhikara, Pilicha Talacha Kolicha, Shri Shailesha O Mallesha and Bum Bum Vande Sambam.