Praveen Raj
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Top Albums
- Manasa Holla
Mathang Mapokta
- Praveen Raj, M. Ratan Kumar, Sophia Salam, Hamom Sadananda
Flop Director
- Various Artists
Ado Deyyam Katha
- Harsha Kogod, Praveen Raj, Swetha Prabhu
- Sri Harsha
Sai Siri
- Hithan Hassan
- Manasa Holla
About Praveen Raj
Listen to Praveen Raj songs online. Download top songs of Praveen Raj like Yelliyu Maleyagi, Aaha Se Dil Laga Ke Bari Bhul Bha Gelai Yo, Lambida Chatliba Itaokhoi, Kamar Me Gamchha Bandh Ke and Hum Ahire Ke Beta (Bhojpuri Song).