Shorif Khan
Diyeco Dukkho
Koto Rongo Jano Re Manus
Korli Oviman
Boishakh Elo
Bodle Geci Bodle Jabo
Gaja Apon Sojon Vai
Pakhi Jabe Ure
Ami Jedin Jabo Cole
Biri Amay Nosto Banaice
Neshar Pinik
Sukher Ghore Dukher Agun
Dukkho Diye Sukh Jodi Pao
Asa Diya Vasai Geli
Listen to Shorif Khan songs online. Download top songs of Shorif Khan like Diyeco Dukkho, Koto Rongo Jano Re Manus, Korli Oviman, Boishakh Elo and Bodle Geci Bodle Jabo.