Madhuraj Madavi
Gondi Pata Adivasi
Cham Cham Chal Jor Mantha
Patlana Motor Gadi
Jathrate Thaladhe Rumaal Vale
Ne Thodo Manukane Nim Selvaa
Rela Ravi Meshram
Tere Seeneme Mera Dill Dolere
Sheserao Madavi
Keslapurathe Biye Jathara Sobathe
Jodi Kondana Shere Puhthon
Jumma Jumma Pir Vayar Bai Radhal
Meghraj Meshram
Batha Sobhatha Punger
Listen to Subhod Valke songs online. Download top songs of Subhod Valke like Gondi Pata Adivasi, Cham Cham Chal Jor Mantha, Patlana Motor Gadi, Jathrate Thaladhe Rumaal Vale and Ne Thodo Manukane Nim Selvaa.