Suraj Dehati
Top Albums
Padhe School Me
- Umesh Awara
Jagat Ke Dulari
- Vikas Gop, Anita Suman
Pagal Bhail Bani
- Suraj Dehati
Pagal Hot Bani
- Suraj Dehati
Jagat Ke Dulari
- Vikash Gop
Bhojpuri DJ Hits 2021
- Various Artists
About Suraj Dehati
Listen to Suraj Dehati songs online. Download top songs of Suraj Dehati like Pawerfull Ahiran, Hamahu Jaib Baba Ke Dham (from"Pagal Bhail Bani"), Maiya Ke Darshan Karadi, Ahira Ke Beta Beri Beri Leta and Kate Lagal Chotiya Ye Maiya.