Swati Goswami Bose
Top Albums
Esho Prane Esho Gane
- Swati Goswami Bose, Goutam Bhattacharya
Gahana Kusuma Kunja Majhe
- Rabindranath Tagore
Esechho Prem
- Swati Goswami Bose
Best Of Tagore Songs By Contemporary Artists Vol 1
- Various Artists
Rabe Nirabe - Kobi Pranam
- Various Artists
Phagun Haoway Haoway
- Various Artists
About Swati Goswami Bose
Listen to Swati Goswami Bose songs online. Download top songs of Swati Goswami Bose like Sukher Majhe Tomay Dekhechhi, Smritir Album - Tagore Songs Based On Flutes, Prane Khusir Tuphan, Sakatare Oi Kandichhe Sakale and Bhubanajora Asanakhani.