Tannishtha Chatterjee
Featured In
Editors Pick - 2017
- Saavn
Top Albums
Monsoon Shootout
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Revolutionary Singer - Arijit Singh
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Strings Bound By Faith
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Jalpari - The Desert Mermaid
- Midival Panditz, Gaurav Raina, Tapan Raj, Ashish Chauhan, Piyush Mishra
Bhopal - A Prayer For Rain
- Shilpa Rao, Papon, Swanand Kirkire, Anoushka Shankar
unINDIAN (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Salim-Sulaiman, Gul Hora
- Debarpito
Jalpari - The Desert Mermaid (Marathi)
- Midival Panditz, Gaurav Raina, Tapan Raj, Ashish Chauhan, Piyush Mishra
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The New Age Composer Rochak Kohli
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Love Songs Of Bollywood
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Kaho Naa Pyar Hai - Vol. 1
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Bollywood Trending - World Music Day
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Love Aaj Aur kal
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Melodious Mood - Soft Romantic Songs
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Bollywood Box
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Mausam Music Ka
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Music Time
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Jadu Hai Nasha Hai
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About Tannishtha Chatterjee
Listen to Tannishtha Chatterjee songs online. Download top songs of Tannishtha Chatterjee like Pal, Ramo Ramo, Ishq, Andheri Raat and Miliyo Re.