11121 He Hari Muralee Aaj Baja Do Mohani Heitel Lila Aparampar Tumharee Men Kis Bidi Karun Bakhan (Mysterious Is Your Work)Pro Only
22119 Sabson Bharon He Naam Dhanee Re Mohani Heitel Lila Aparampar Tumharee Men Kis Bidi Karun Bakhan (Mysterious Is Your Work)Pro Only
33100 Mana Papiha Kee Pyase Buchane Mohani Heitel Mero Man Taj Deejo Abhiman (Give Up The Pride)Pro Only
44080 Bhaga Hamara Jage Tab Hee Govinda Darshan Pau Mohani Heitel Bandon Hari Ko Pavan Naam (Hallowed Be the Name of God)Pro Only
55092 Mere Pritam Jivan Dhan Mere Mohani Heitel Bandon Hari Ko Pavan Naam (Hallowed Be the Name of God)Pro Only
66076 Bandhan Mere Tor Do Giridhar Lal Mohani Heitel Bandon Hari Ko Pavan Naam (Hallowed Be the Name of God)Pro Only
77084 Bhajan Bina Janam Akarath Khoyo Mohani Heitel Bandon Hari Ko Pavan Naam (Hallowed Be the Name of God)Pro Only
88087 Madho Hamahin Na Bisro Sai Mohani Heitel Bandon Hari Ko Pavan Naam (Hallowed Be the Name of God)Pro Only
99088 Madhave Ke Guna Gao Men To Mohani Heitel Bandon Hari Ko Pavan Naam (Hallowed Be the Name of God)Pro Only
1010059 Nath Sada Rati Chahun Charan Kee Mohani Heitel Na Ninda Kare Na Kisee Kee Baray (True Advice)Pro Only