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Autoimmune Recovery with Raw Foods with Shannon Summers

2 Girls and Plants: Nourishing Inside and Out with Shannon and Adrienne

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Episode  ·  25:01  ·  Feb 26, 2021


Interview with guest Shannon Summers. There are more than 80 known types of autoimmune disorders and they predominately affect women due to our biological makeup. Autoimmune diseases take place when the body isn t able to distinguish it s own cells from foreign material and starts attacking itself by mistake.Understanding how food can be used as medicine to naturally ease symptoms and support healing in the body along with appropriate medical care.Shifting the mindset from suffering to healing. Many people with autoimmune often feel hopeless, depressed, doomed to suffering. Proper medical care and nourishing foods offer options for healing the body and living a more satisfying life with less pain.How to feel better with autoimmune disorders:Eat healthy, well-balanced mealsEngage in regular physical activity (careful not to overdo it)Get enough restReduce stress

25m 1s  ·  Feb 26, 2021

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